CERTIFIED PREVENTION SPECIALIST (PS-C): A professional who uses a specialized set of knowledge, experience, training and skills to encourage healthy attitudes and behaviors which prevent the misuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD). The role of the PS-C is to empower individuals and communities to assess needs and to develop and implement strategies that effectively meet those needs. PS-C candidates must have:

  • 2,000 documented hours of work experience in the six IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains.
    • A minimum of 120 of those hours of experience must be supervised, including at least 10 hours in each domain
    • A minimum of 500 (25%) of those hours must be providing ATOD prevention services within the domains
  • 120 hours of documented education/training. Of these, 24 hours must be related to ATOD, 6 to Prevention Ethics, and 31 hours (26 in-person and 5 online) must be obtained through the SAPST training (SPF Application for Prevention Success & Training), a CADCA-approved equivalent, or MPCB-approved equivalent. The remaining “other hours” of education/training must be related to the six IC&RC Prevention Domains
  • A signed agreement to abide by the Prevention Code of Ethics
  • Three professional references
  • A passing score on the IC&RC Certified Prevention Specialist Exam

Applying for a certificate requires a Google/Gmail account. If you do not have one, you can create one by clicking HERE. 

The following links provide the information required to apply or reapply for PS-C certification.