Fee Schedule

  • Initial Application Fee for Certified Prevention Specialist (PS-C) 
$150.00 Pay at time of initial application. Fee covers application and 2 years of certification.
  • IC&RC Examination Fee 
$125.00 Pay this one-time fee when you have signed up for the exam. Applicants who do not pass the exam on the initial attempt will pay an additional $125.00 to re‐take the exam within 6 months of the initial exam date.
  • Incomplete Application Fee for PS-C
$25.00 Pay at time of submission of missing information.
  • Recertification Fee for PS-C


$75.00 Pay every 2 years, with submission of recertification application.
  • Late fee for Recertification
$25.00 Pay at time of recertification application.
  • Voluntary Inactive Status Fee for PS-C
$20.00 per year Pay at time of application for inactive status and each year thereafter – as long as inactive status is maintained.
  • Reinstatement from Inactive Status Fee for PS-C
$20.00 This fee “resumes the clock,” allowing you to pick up your prior certification with the same number of months left before recertification as you had before becoming inactive.
  • Initial Application Fee for Provisional Prevention Specialist (PPS)
$50.00 Pay at time of initial application.  Fee covers 2 years of certifiation.
  • Recertification Fee for PPS
$50.00 Pay at time of recertification application; you can reapply only once.

Note: Fees subject to change with MPCB approval; be sure to check https://mainepreventioncertification.org for most current fees.