Pre-Approved Trainings for Prevention Specialists: Trainings that are endorsed or sponsored by the following organizations are automatically pre-approved:
- International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC)
- Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)
- SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT): Previous certificates will be accepted
- SAMHSA’s New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (NE PTTC)
- Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
- AdCare Educational Institute of Maine trainings funded through the Maine CDC and Prevention (certificates of attendance from these trainings will clearly state that they have been pre-approved by the MPCB for Prevention Specialists)
Approved Trainings:
- Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training, Multiple Dates/Locations – Sponsored by MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence. Approved for 6.25 Training Hours, ATOD and IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains 2, 3, 4, 6.
- 2018 Annual Tobacco Treatment & Prevention, May 3 & 4, 2018 – Sponsored by MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence. Approved for 10.75 Training Hours, ATOD and IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains 1, 2, 5, 6.
- Clinical Skills in the Era of Legal Cannabis, Various 2018 Dates – Sponsored by AdCare Educational Institute of Maine. Approved for 6 Contact Hours, ATOD and IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains 1, 6.
- 2018 Prevention Professionals Day, November 14, 2018 – Sponsored by Maine CDC & Prevention, Maine Prevention Services, and AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc. Approved for 6.25 Training Hours, ATOD and IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains 1-6.
- Understanding and Addressing Youth Gaming and Gambling, November 27, 2018 – Sponsored by AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc. Approved for 6.00 Training Hours, IC&RC Prevention Performance Domain 6.
- 2019 Annual Tobacco Treatment & Prevention Conference
Date/Time: June 18 & 19, 2019 from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, each day; Location: Doubletree Portland 363 Maine Mall Rd. Portland, Maine 04101; Approved Instructional Hours: 8.25; IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains: 2, 4, 5, 6 - 2021 Annual Tobacco Treatment & Prevention Conference
Date/Time: June 7, 8, 9, 202; Location: Virtual; Approved Instructional Hours: 8.75; IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains: 2, 4, 5, 6 - Tobacco Treatment and Prevention Conference – Evolving Nicotine and Tobacco; Date/Time: May 9 & 10, 2022; Location: Virtual Workshop; Approved Instructional Hours: 4.5 hours; Day 2 of this training has been approved by the Maine Prevention Certification Board and meets the requirements for Prevention Specialist Certification in Maine. (Up to) 4.5 hours of training for Certified Prevention Specialists: ATOD and IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains 1, 2, 5 & 6.
- Tobacco Treatment and Prevention Conference – Health Equity: Strategies to Reduce Tobacco-Related Disparities; Date/Time: June 6 & 7, 2023; Location: Virtual; Approved Instructional Hours: 6.0 hour; Day #1 of this conference has been pre-approved by the Maine Prevention Certification Board and meets the requirements for Prevention Specialist Certification in Maine: 2.0 hours of training. IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains: 2, 3, 6. Day #2 of this conference has been pre-approved by the Maine Prevention Certification Board and meets the requirements for Prevention Specialist Certification in Maine: 4.0 hours of training. 1 Credit: Tobacco Product Regulation in the United States: An Update from the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products; 1 Credit: Treatment & Prevention Breakouts; Breakout B: Panel Discussion on Restorative Practices and Youth;1 Credit: The Maine QuitLink: Reducing Barriers to Support All Mainers; 1 Credit: Reducing Tobacco-Related Disparities: What’s Stress Gotta Do With It?; IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains: 2, 3, 6.
- Treating Tobacco Together – Essential Skills Training; Date/Time: (3-day trainings): October 19, 20, 21, 22, 2022. January 10, 11, 12, 2023. March 7, 8, 9, 2023. May 9, 10, 11, 2023. (1-day trainings): November 2, 2022. February 1, 2023. Times: various. Location: various. Approved Instructional Hours: 6.0 hours. IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains: 2, 3, 4, 6.
- MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence Tobacco Treatment Specialist Program; Date/Time: March 6-21, 2024. Some sessions of this training have been approved by the Maine Prevention Certification Board and meet the requirements for Prevention Specialist Certification in Maine. (Up to) 17.5 hours of training for Certified Prevention Specialists — ATOD and IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains 1, 2, 3 & 6 for the following sessions: The Health Burdens of Tobacco and Nicotine Use; Tobacco Prevalence, Products and Burden: A Deadly Epidemic; Tobacco Use Disorder Role of Addiction in Treatment and Recovery, E-Cigarettes: An Evolving Landscape; Documentation and Evaluation; Tobacco Treatment and Control Resources; Foundation for Assessment; Planning for Success; How to Enhance Success in Giving Up Nicotine: Tips & Data Informed Recommendations; Motivational Interviewing Workshop; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Tobacco and Nicotine Treatment; Tobacco Treatment Groups as a Healing Process: Exploring the Possibilities; Ethics in Tobacco Treatment; Utilizing Trauma-Informed Care Within Tobacco Treatment Programming
- The Importance of Digital Media Literacy for Youth: What you need to know as a parent, teacher, school social worker, clinician, and prevention professional; Date/Time: March 26, 2024. Domain 6.
- 2024 Tobacco Treatment & Prevention Conference – Navigating Commercial Tobacco Use: Addressing Community Needs; Date/Time: June 4 & 5, 2024. 9.0 hours of training (6.0 for day 2 only). IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains: 1,2,3,5,6.
- 2024-2025 MaineHealth Tobacco Treatment Specialist Program; Date/Time: September, 2024 & March, 2025. 16.0 hours of training. IC&RC Prevention Domains 1,2,3,6.
- Governor Mills’ 6th Annual Opioid Response Summit: Creating a Brighter Future for Individuals, Families and Communities; Date/Time: July 25, 2024. 4.0 hours of training. IC&RC Prevention Domain 6.
- Treating Tobacco Together: Essential Skills Training; Date/Time: October 1, 2024; October 22, 2024; November 12-14, 2024; January 14, 2025; February 4-6, 2025; April 9, 2025; April 29, 2025; May 6, 2025. 6.0 hours of training. IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains: 2, 3, 4 & 6.
- Gettin’ By – How Poverty Changes the Brain; Date/Time: Monthly; 2.0 hours of training. IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains: 1, 3, & 6.
Trainings without Pre-Approval Status: Trainings that are relevant to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug (ATOD) prevention and/or the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains can be applied toward the education/training requirement for certification or re-certification. If these trainings are not included in the “Approved Trainings” list above, the MPCB reserves the right to ask for additional information to determine the applicability of training/education for Prevention Specialist certification.
Are you an organization looking to pre-approve your conference, event, course, webinar, or other training opportunity? Please visit the Maine Prevention Certification Board’s Training/Education Pre-Approval page for more information and to download an application!
Maine prevention workers and volunteers have a number of resources available to search for training opportunities to help expand and strengthen their prevention related knowledge and skills. This includes the Maine Prevention Calendar, which lists upcoming prevention trainings sponsored or recommended by our state prevention programs, across a variety of program areas:
Additional useful links to prevention-related and other types of trainings include:
• The Maine Behavioral Health Workforce Development Collaborative:
• AdCare Maine’s trainings list:
• Prevention Solutions @EDC: