This onboarding toolkit, created by the New England PTTC in partnership with the Maine Prevention Workforce Development Workgroup, aims to meet the universal developmental training needs of the substance misuse prevention workforce in Maine. While this is not a comprehensive document, it provides a strong overview of the field for new substance misuse prevention professionals in Maine to assist them in getting through the orientation phase and into the work of prevention more quickly and with a shared perspective throughout the state. This resource is not specific to any one funding source or program. This resource can be used by those working under Drug Free Community Grants, Maine Prevention Services, the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as other substance misuse prevention-focused organizations, to support new preventionists as they enter the field. Specific substance use prevention initiatives likely have their own onboarding process and tools that are program-specific, and this resource is offered to supplement these program-specific trainings and give a scope of the prevention field statewide. This resource may also be helpful to prevention specialists who are the only person within their organization with a focus on prevention.
This toolkit is a living document that will change as the field of substance use prevention changes within the state, regionally, and nationally. The most current document can be found at the New England PTTC website. This document is interactive in that almost every graphic is clickable to bring you to an in-depth and reliable resource to learn more about the discussed topic. Many underlined words are links to help break complex topics down into more details, as well. These links will be updated as this document is updated if more timely research or data becomes available.